YouTube Video Optimization Techniques

There are many tricks you can do that will help you optimize the video. In a sense it can almost be like setting up the on-page SEO for a website. Doing these simple steps will position you much better than your competitors who do not have these factors. If they are on Google’s first page…

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How To Create A Simple Money Making YouTube Video

Once you have gone through the steps to find a great offer to promote it is then time to make a video. You can use many different platforms for setting up a video. Choose A Video Creation Software What has worked well for me is using Microsoft Movie Maker which is a free program for…

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Finding The Best Offer To Promote for Video Marketing

When doing video marketing you can promote any kind of offer that you want and still do well. However if you are just starting out and want to see some fast results with your efforts then CPA offers are recommended. And if you really want to see quick money coming in then targeting free CPA…

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Launch Jacking with Video

Video Launch Jacking is where you create a video for a product launch and get it ranked right before the product launches. Then you will make sales from the people who are searching for that product on launch day. The benefits from Launch Jacking is that, if you’re positioned well you can get a FLOOD…

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My Shortcut to Success – Part 2

In My Shortcut to Success – Part 1 post I talked about the importance of having the laser targeted focus. Although that is critical for success in anything that you do, there is also 1 more component that you must have. This critical competent to your success is having the right plan. If I wanted…

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My Shortcut To Success – Part 1

After the release of my Easy Video Payday course I was flooded with emails about the product, and received very nice feedback from customers who have loved my video training. One question I’ve been asked many times is: “Do you have any tips for me to succeed?” Which is why I am taking the time…

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How to Build An Authority Channel on YouTube

One of the many questions that I’ve received over this years is about how to build an authority channel in YouTube. So here are some tips on how to create an authority channel… You can first start out by creating a name which can either be your name, a pen name, or a general keyword…

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Welcome to My Blog!

This is my first blog post. Over the coming weeks you’ll see this blog transform and have fresh new content. Follow my on  my journey stay updated my current video marketing strategies and what I do to make a full time income online!

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