When doing video marketing you can promote any kind of offer that you want and still do well.
However if you are just starting out and want to see some fast results with your efforts then CPA offers are recommended.
And if you really want to see quick money coming in then targeting free CPA offers are
even better. When you promote offers like Free iPhone, and all the visitor has to do is
enter in their zip code or address, then you will see these convert very well.
The other nice thing about these offers is that you can easily receive conversions for
these without having to depend on the ranking in Google or YouTube.
Even when you simply promote them on social bookmarking sites you will get sales because it is
easy to find people who would like to win something free, and getting them to exchange some
basic information is not too much to ask for.
If you are looking to build a solid stream of income and are willing to do some extra
work and take a little longer than you can look into promoting videos for product name
keywords and rank them on the first page of Google.
You will want to make sure that your keyword is getting a decent amount of searches
such as 1,500 visitors per month (using Google keyword planner tool).
Then look to see if there is already a video or two ranked their on the 1st page of Google already.
You will want to look at the following essentials:
- Keyword in Title
- Keyword in Description
- Keyword and LSI keywords in Tags
Doing these simple steps will position you much better than your competitors who do
not have these factors.
In the video ranking sections (below) you will learn how to best analyze your
competition by using this data so you can outrank their videos. This may seem like a lot
if details to check but it is worth doing at the beginning before making your videos.
Through doing your research you may find that it would take too long to beat your
competition and it may not be worth it which could save your a great amount of times
and even money in the long run.
This is similar to the competition analysis you would do when setting up a website to
outrank competition such as a Sniper site. Only if you’re familiar with building sites you
will find this a whole lot easier because there is far less work involved.
But you may also find that outranking the videos on Google’s first page can be easy.
In fact, since video marketing is rather new there are plenty of poorly optimized videos
sitting on Google’s first page and are just waiting to be outranked!
When you have a video sitting on the 1st page of Google that is targeting a product name
keyword for a $30-$40 CPA those commission will add up fast.
And the beauty of ranking you videos is that you have a thumbnail image where you are
ranked that is advertising your video. This will outperform contextual websites because
they just have some words, where as you will have a nice and catchy image.
So even if your keyword gets 1,500 searches per month, you will likely bring in much
more traffic than if you were promoting a website.
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